Details zur Ausschreibung 47745

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Secure Data Sharing for Common Database

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

Options for secure data sharing using a common database structure.

To inform the Consortium on the system architecture of EUSST, an analysis on possible options for the
secure data exchange is required. The activity will be split into two tasks each covering different needs for
the data exchange.

The first task is the exchange of data between the user of the EUSST services and the Operation Centers
(OCs). Options for a secure exchange of data shall be analysed to ensure that only the user and the OCs
can have access to the data.

The second task is the exchange of data between the OCs themselves and the storage of data in a central or distributed manner. The OCs are collecting data, which shall be stored in a database that might be implemented in a central or distributed manner. Different options shall be proposed and analysed to identify those options that can be discussed for implementation.

Setting up an initial test bed might be performed after the evaluation has been finished. In format and content, the findings should be presented in a way accessible to technical and non-technical audiences that are stakeholders in EUSST, including for instance policy-makers, strategists, systems analysts, and operators.

Art des Auftrags

Lieferauftrag & Dienstleistung

Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


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51147 Köln

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 11.05.2018
Angebotsfrist: 01.06.2018

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