Details zur Ausschreibung 65464

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Implementation of a Learning Management System Based on Software-as-a-Service Model

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

The project aims to make innovative e-Learning solutions available to a wide range of partners within German development cooperation to enable digital learning in African but also non-African countries. By providing access to a wide range of learning courses with a state of the art LMS Africa Cloud aims to reach a broader target group of people with diverse educational backgrounds more effectively. The project was initially being implemented in selected partner countries in Africa and is currently expanded into other regions. Subject of this tender is the development, operation, maintenance, support, data migration support and customization of a cloud based Learning Management System (LMS) on basis of Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) per registered user license fee model to implement the global project for users with sound and modern software architecture which supports a variety of learning scenarios, such as web-based-trainings (WBT), mobile learning, blended learning, tutor-supported learning and massive open online courses (MOOC). Users of the mobile friendly LMS should be able to interact with peers, tutors and admins on the platform to allow for participative learning scenarios. For measuring key performance indicators and for analyzing the usage of the platform, the LMS should offer comprehensive learning analytics capabilities while at same time ensuring that requirements originating from the EU are adhered to. 

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


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65760 Eschborn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 12.06.2020
Angebotsfrist: 10.07.2020

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