Details zur Ausschreibung 68535

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

EMR Housing Monitor 

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

The central aim of the project ‘Cross-border Housing Monitor — Housing relevant interdependencies, housing stock and development and housing space reserves in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine’ is to counteract the existing cross-border intransparency and the separation of housing markets along municipal and national borders and to make a concrete contribution to strengthening the EMR as a residential location. In addition, the project aims at a close and coordinated development of housing relations in the tri-border region as well as a better information and communication of the resident population and the new citizens. An additional goal of the application is to create a symbolic effect for important milestones in the area of ‘sustainability of the housing market’. The biggest challenge is that due to a lack of information that is insufficiently up-to-date and missing cross-border information, increasingly important information for better and future-oriented cross-border cooperation is not available and the associated development opportunities for the border region are not being used. Central activities are a cross-border housing integration and housing market analysis and the collection of further comparable data relevant to housing. On the basis of this improved information base, a harmonised cross-border database is being developed, which will lead to a map-based web application. The digital informal planning tool will be based on extensive sources of information, will be automatically updated and will continue to exist beyond the end of the project. A monitoring system for the EMR will be established, which includes regional monitoring systems. Three sub-regional monitoring systems have to be newly established, the one for the Province of Limburg in the Netherlands is already available. The expected result and added value of this cooperation will be a new common information and cooperation basis in the field of housing, which does not exist in any European border region. It will enable a future-oriented cross-border and regional development for the EMR. This information will be made available to both the professional community and the general public. The information content will be adapted accordingly. 

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


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52068 Aachen

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 16.09.2020
Angebotsfrist: 09.10.2020

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