Details zur Ausschreibung 82354

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Maintenance and Upgrade Services for the Agricultural Traceability Solution INATrace

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

Based on a thorough familiarization with the source code and available documentation, the contractor is responsible for providing the following services:
This commission includes specific (2.1) and on-demand (2.2) services. All services are subject to a further scope definition between the contractor and commissioner.
On-demand services will be commissioned individually based on need. The contractor will be asked for individual time- and cost offers for each on-demand service.
2.1 Specific services
- Improvement and updating of a web-based technical documentation to facilitate setup, installation, the development of additional modules and the use of available APIs.
- Set-up of a test instance with demo data that can be used for demonstration and self-exploration by/for prospective users or customers.
2.2 Needs-based services, to be rendered on demand and to be specified by the contractor
a) Capacity Building and Supply Chain Analysis
- Improvement of user documentation and training material for different user types (on demand).
- Conceptualization and conduction of trainings for users and implementers in origin countries (on demand).
- Supply chain analyses for the implementation of INATrace for other actors (on demand).
b) Technical Services
- Hosting of blockchain nodes, as a sub-contracted service (on demand).
- Maintenance, upgrading and server administration (on demand).
- Technical improvements and adaptations (on demand).
- Bugfixing (on demand).

Art des Auftrags


Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


Die Ausschreibung ist bereits beendet, weil die Angebotsfrist abgelaufen ist.
Eine Bewerbung um diesen Auftrag ist nicht mehr möglich.


65760 Eschborn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 18.11.2021
Angebotsfrist: 08.12.2021

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