Details zur Ausschreibung 87923

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Further development and maintenance of the ITC Web Platform

Gegenstand der Ausschreibung

i. Providing maintenance and support
Until the end of the contract, support covers a support package for any support request related to administrative or technical problems as well as bug fixing and proactive security updates. This will be particularly relevant for the DRM Database, the DRM Project Map, and the ATI Matchmaking Platform, which are more prone to bugs due to their sophisticated code. The contractor will verify regularly that the websites are running smoothly and revert to the back up whenever necessary.
The contractor will manage high-priority support requests within one working day and guarantee the capability to deploy changes to the website related to highpriority requests within one working day, if need be. Trainings on new functionalities available to the Client will be provided by the contractor.

ii. Optimisation of the ATI Matchmaking Platform
The contractor will optimise the online ATI matchmaking mechanism, which has been first implemented in November 2019 (see Chapter 1). In particular, a feature that allows ATI editors to be notified per email once a new offer or request is uploaded will be implemented. Additionally, a feature allowing ATI editors to filter requests and offers by thematic areas will be added to the platform. The idea is to facilitate the engagement of ATI editors and to increase visibility of the platform without having to log-in to the website continuously. Additional changes to the content and features of the ATI matchmaking (e.g. location of certain buttons or disclaimer, changes to the notification and messaging system) will be implemented according to the Client"s feedback.

Art des Auftrags

Lieferauftrag & Dienstleistung

Erfüllungsort (Bundesland):


Die Ausschreibung ist bereits beendet, weil die Angebotsfrist abgelaufen ist.
Eine Bewerbung um diesen Auftrag ist nicht mehr möglich.


65760 Eschborn

Kontaktdaten des Auftraggebers

Eintragsdatum: 12.05.2022
Angebotsfrist: 02.06.2022

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